Every 17 seconds… a rear-end collision occurs in the United States. Whether you are rear-ended or you rear-end someone else, these types of accidents can cause serious injury and extensive damage. Some of the worst claims in the industry involved rear-end collisions. However, by staying alert and anticipating problems, people can avoid hitting others - and even help keep others from hitting them.


Keep a safe following distance of 6 seconds and as much as 10 seconds in bad weather conditions. Tailgating is aggressive driving.

To avoid being hit:

  • Know what's going on behind you. Adjust/Clean your mirrors before moving your vehicle. Use them frequently, checking them every time you slow or stop.
  • Tap your brakes when you are stopped, moving slowly or preparing to stop. Tapping your brakes will help get the attention of a driver behind you. Check your brake lights often to make sure they're working and clean.
  • Signal well before you turn and change lanes.
  • Keep pace with traffic, if speed limits and road/weather conditions permit.
  • Get rid of tailgaters by slowing down gradually. Never slam on your brakes to anger a tailgater! Use extra caution when slowing down or changing lanes. Don't let the tailgater distract you or get you angry. If safely possible, pull over and let them pass. Remember, you are the professional driver!
  • Don't stay in another driver's blind spot. If that vehicle swerves into your lane, you may have to brake hard, exposing you to a possible rear-end collision.
  • If you experience a mechanical issue, try to move your vehicle well off the roadway. Do everything possible to help others see your vehicle. Use emergency flashers and reflective markers/triangles. Stand away from your vehicle and traffic, while you wait for help.

To avoid hitting others:

  • Brake early. Pay attention to traffic flow and what is going on around you.
  • Look Ahead! Don't follow so closely that you can't see down the road 8 to 10 seconds ahead to avoid upcoming hazards and sudden stops. Look for:
  • Things that could cause the driver in front of you to stop. Their problems become yours a second later.
  • Brake lights on the vehicles ahead of you. As soon as you see them, take your foot off the gas pedal and be ready to brake.
  • A diminishing distance between you and the vehicle ahead of you, which may be slowing down, without using their brakes.
  • Problems in adjacent lanes. Watch for brake lights and slowing traffic in lanes next to yours, and expect other drivers to swerve quickly into your lane.
  • Leave yourself an escape route. Defensive drivers always consider where they could go in an emergency. Try keeping a lane next to you open, in case something happens quickly.
  • Increase your following distance, based on road and weather conditions.

Reliable Safety Solutions Consulting provides safety consulting, OSHA and DOT compliance, safety training, mock OSHA or DOT audits and inspections to clients. We identify technology, training, and processes to take your safety program to the next level. Visit www.reliablesafetysolutions.net or contact us at 570-939-7735.

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